Virtual TVET Online

Transforming TVET with
3D Gaming Technology for Interactive Learning

Welcome to the new Labtech Academy. Labtech is one of the largest technical education (TVET) providers in the world established since 1990. This online learning site features a new generation of advanced interactive and graphic rich content for technical and vocational education subjects.

It is meant to be used by individual learners that may be already taking courses at their local institutions. It can also be used for reskilling for a new job or even if you are just curious and want to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Teachers can also use this site to supplement their existing learning materials for their students.


  • Instructors

    The Labtech Academy Virtual TVET site is a great way to deepen your knowledge and skills in the rapidly changing TVET skills sector. Some of the important areas are:

    • Supplement your existing learning materials, by using new 3D gaming technology like interactive 3D simulations and animations.
    • Enhance your understanding of 21st century learning and expose students to more creativity.
    • Allow you to reskill, upskill and cross-skill in the rapidly changing TVET skills sector.
    • Give students and learners more exposure to the latest technology using 3D gaming technology and understand more the relationship to industry 4.0.


  • Students

    The Labtech Academy Virtual TVET site is a great way to deepen your knowledge and skills in the rapidly changing TVET skills sector. Some of the important areas are:

    • Understanding innovative technology (utilizing 3D simulations and animations) to deliver a real-life experience relevant to industry.
    • Enhance your understanding of 21st century learning and expose you to more creativity.
    • Allow you to cross-skill in the rapidly changing TVET skills sector.
  • Industry

    The Labtech Academy Virtual TVET site is a great way to deepen your knowledge and skills in the rapidly changing technical skills sector Some of the important areas are:

    • Allow you to reskill, upskill and cross-skill in the rapidly changing technical skills sector.
    • Enhance your understanding of 21st century learning and expose you to more creativity.


Electrical BASICs

Renewable Energy






Our partners


The learning materials or topics are designed to cover from the introduction to automotive systems such as basic engine fundamentals, electricity and electronics, braking systems, wheels and drive systems, steering and suspension systems. It also goes onto developing the students’ knowledge and skills leading to more advanced studies such as petrol and diesel fuel, systems, engine management, transmissions, and hybrid vehicles.


The learning materials or topics are designed to cover from the introduction to HVAC fundamentals, electrical controls and components, instruments and meters, electric motors, HVAC components, etc. It also goes onto developing the students’ knowledge and skills leading to more advanced or practical studies such as residential and commercial air conditioning and refrigeration systems, automotive air conditioning, etc.

Electrical BASICS
(coming soon)

The learning materials or topics are designed to cover from the introduction to electrical fundamentals, instruments and meters, electrical components, power supplies, etc. It also goes onto developing the students’ knowledge and skills leading to more advanced or practical studies such as residential and commercial wiring systems, electrical machines and their controls, electrical protection systems, etc.

What our users are saying ...

This online educational program is very relevant to all the people who need higher education and it's very helpful to all the people became busy during this pandemic


It is a latest method of training for TVET sector


It is for my future and work development.


Most efficient and very helpful platform of online learning that I have been on


Supplementary learning program

Our content is meant to be used as supplementary learning that complements a wide range of existing curriculums which are typically offered by many learning institutions around the world. Upon request by relevant Institutions we can map our content to your curriculum.

Interactive animations and simulations

Our acclaimed interactive animations and simulations visually show how things work and their interrelationships. Our content uses physics based advanced gaming technology.

Advanced delivery

The Labtech LMS content delivery system tracks individual students’ progress as they are guided through technology rich curriculum, which enhances 21st Century Skill competency, in addition to ensuring students meet the required learning outcomes of the course.

Self-paced learning

Our courses are designed for learning at your own pace. All the information, Theory, animations and exercises are included. So you can learn as fast as you like or take your time with the lessons. In the end, it is the understanding that is achieved and not the time that is important.

Visual excellence

Topics feature photo realistic illustrations of objects in high detail using advanced digital rendering. Pages are embedded with photos and illustrations that show the items discussed.

Formative and summative assessments and reviews

Our assessments are part of the learning process. We use our formative assessments to find out what a student does not know and guide him to achieve a more thorough understanding. Controlled by the learner progress can be reviewed at any time.

Supports 'Blended learning'

This program supports blended learning and flips the classroom by enabling students to explore theory and technology applications out of the classroom. This enables students to do their preparation activities off campus and are better prepared to concentrate on the hands-on learning when at the school lab, workshop or workplace.

"How-to" videos

Selected topics will have instructional videos on how to do tasks or activities in the workshop or at home (if facilities and tools are available).

Digital Content Topics

Learning Elements


  • Background Theory
  • Interactive Component Identification and Descriptions
  • Interactive Assembly and Disassembly
  • Interactive Operational Simulations
  • Interactive Formative Assessments (Component Location and Assembly Assessments)
  • Summative Assessments (Pre and Post-Tests)

Making technology visible through knowledge engineering

... Labtech's mission


  • Headquarters: Factory and Development Center
    Sekupang Industrial Park Kavling 34, Sekupang, Batam
    Indonesia 29428

    Offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, India, Jordan, UK and USA

Contact Us

General enquiries:
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